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Divus Ex - 'Game was extremely fun, yet unclear as to the desired plot, thus some were unable to develop their own characters, but this caused lovely [adventures]'

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The 5th Wall Gaming Times
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Girl Scout Event
(Upcoming Events)
Wow. We have an event for the Girl Scouts of America coming up and we are really excited to put on a game for them. We are currently in production of it, but after the event, we are considering running it at the next convention we are going to kind of as a "kid friendly" game for early Saturday mornings.

Either way, this is going to be great! :)

Pirate Day is Celebrated!
(Upcoming Events)
Some of you may have missed it, but on pirate day (September 17th), we underwent a bit of a change. Look for more surprises and ways of earning points for just showing up to the site and posting in the forum or some such.

Either way, Pirate day was a big success!